funeral service

 Esphur and Harold Foster - On their mother, Hattie Mae Foster's passing, and the community response to her death (clip)

Esphur Foster (EF): So when we took her down to the hospital that next morning Charley sent word over to the dental school and she said, tell everybody if they want to see Hattie for the last time to say goodbye, to come over. So when we got ready to leave Hudson, the whole Emergency Room dock was…

Funeral Service Program for Mr. Brodie Edwards, Sr.

Mr. Brodie Edwards, Sr.'s funeral took place on October 24, 1975 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Funeral Service Program for Mr. Charlie N. Fearrington

Mr. Charlie N. Fearrington funeral took place on September 27, 1975 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Funeral Service Program for Mr. Ernest Earl Edwards

Mr. Ernest Earl Edwards' funeral took place on February 22, 1975 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Funeral Service Program for Mr. James Dooley

Mr. James Dooley's funeral took place on Februar 13, 1976 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Funeral Service Program for Mr. Walter "Rat" Farrington

Mr. Walter "Rat" Farrington's funeral took place on October 2, 1975 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Funeral Service Program for Mrs. Argusta G. Edwards

Mrs. Argusta G. Edwards' funeral took place on February 3, 1976 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Funeral Service Program for Mrs. Arvella Mae Sligh Briggs

Mrs. Arvella Mae Sligh Briggs' funeral took place on August 18, 1976 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Funeral Service Program for Mrs. Mary Jones Cotton

Mrs. Mary Jones Cotton's funeral took place on June 9, 1977 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Funeral Service Program for Mrs. Myrtle Farrington Bynum

Mrs. Myrtle Farrington Bynum's funeral took place on January 2, 1977 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.

Funeral Service Program for Mrs. Viola S. Fearrington

Mrs. Viola S. Fearrington's funeral took place on April 19, 1976 at St. Joseph CME Church. Rev. Wylie E. Wilson officiated the service. Photo courtesy of Mrs. Patricia Jackson and St. Joseph CME Church.